Offset your Carbon Footprint with Newfoundland and Labrador’s First Certified Carbon Offsets
Carbon Offsets from Municipal Wetland Wastewater Treatment Projects Certified and Ready for Use
Build Your Own Wetland Treatment System and Generate Your Own Carbon Offsets
See our associated firm – Wetland Treatment Solutions Ltd.
Purchase Carbon Offsets
Created in Newfoundland & Labrador
Sharp Management is the first firm to offer NL generated Certified Carbon Offsets for purchase.
Sharp, through the design and implementation of engineered wetlands to treat sewage wastewater in the towns of Stephenville and Appleton-Glenwood, has quantified, verified, and acquired certification of 55,000 Carbon Offsets from these projects.
The revenue generated from the sale of these offsets will be split 50% with the municipalities who invested in this environmentally sustainable technology and 50% to help fund future wetland projects for other municipalities.
Transfer of Funds to Towns for Carbon Offset Sales achieved in 2023
Carbon Offsets are generated by the reduction or elimination of carbon emissions that would normally be produced. Another way of describing it is, when a standard system by a new innovative method is utilized, that does the same thing or better, does it with Zero or reduced CO2 emissions. Carbon Offsets can be generated on the amount reduced.
The amount of emissions eliminated, or reduced compared to the standard or base case is calculated, measured and then verified by outside specialist consultants. If a higher level of confirmation is required, then certification of the Offsets is performer by regulated accounting specialists in the CO2 emissions field.
In the case of our offsets, engineered wetland sewage treatment systems were designed and installed rather than conventional lagoons or mechanical sewage treatment systems. This saves the emissions that would normally be produced from operating these standard systems.
As the wetlands have no moving parts, use no electricity, and produce no methane gas, this creates our CO2 emission savings. Using electricity as an example, in the wetland the electricity was not needed, so the fossil fuel to generate the electricity was not needed, so CO2 pollution from the burning of the fuel was never created, which is the CO2 savings. For each tonne of CO2 eliminated, a Carbon Offset can be generated.
To attain the highest level of Certification in Canada we opted to have our Carbon Offsets fully Certified and to be hosted on the highly respected Clean Projects Registry of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
Comments by Others on Carbon Offsets and Climate Action:
Pictures & Satisfied Clients
Samples of Carbon Offset Certificates –
pictures of treatment wetlands in Stephenville and Appleton/Glenwood, NL
Purchase Carbon Offsets
There are lots of calculators on the internet to help you determine your carbon footprint, please return after you have calculated your flight, car or truck, or lifestyle. For Company owners we can help with affiliated carbon footprint consultants to work out your company’s carbon footprint.
Too much to jump to full Carbon Neutral, so start small 10%, 25%, 50%. Its not the last step climbing a mountain that is the most important, it’s the first step.
For a simple purchase see rules of thumb below:
- The average home owner’s carbon footprint is between 15- 20 CO2 Tonnes / year.
- Your car or truck can be 3-15 CO2 Tonnes per year based on miles driven, age & type of vehicle.
- Average car (12,000 Km /year) 3 tonnes, and a large truck (100,000 Km/ year) 15 Tonnes.
- Air travel varies a lot but on average is 1 CO2 tonne per seat per 4hr length of flight.
There are a lot of answers to questions in our documents in the News/Media section above. If you have any questions that you don’t find answered there, or you need further clarification please contact us and we would be glad to answer them, if we can.
- Please see copies of the Carbon Offset certificates above, in our Photo Section.
- We can email a pdf file of your certificate $5 cost,
- A high-quality printed copy that you frame yourself $15 cost,
- Or we can provide a very nice framed certificate at $150 cost.
- Framing is usually for larger company purchases or for presents or individuals that wish to display and are proud they have gone Carbon Neutral
Make Payment by Direct Deposit
CIBC Account No.: 8407118
IBAN No.: CC0010000638407118
CIBC Branch Address:
Box 30, 215 Water Street, St. John’s NL, A1C 6C9
Account Name: Sharp Management Inc.
Make Payment by e-transfer
Contact: 709-330-7878
If you have any questions contact us at to help with the evaluation of your carbon footprint.
We are seeking firms and individuals who wish to demonstrate their environmental and social responsibility through the purchase of these natural based solution generated carbon offsets, the first in the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador.
Reduce your firm’s carbon footprint, reduce your own personal footprint, look to become carbon natural. Purchase your Carbon Offsets to the highest standard and as local as possible. We are proud to offer this unique opportunity and to share the revenue 50% with the towns that chose to install these wetland treatment system, and to use the remaining 50% to fund future projects with future towns.
Contact Sharp Management
to find out more
To purchase Certified Carbon Offsets from Newfoundland and Labrador contact us.